Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Welcome ladies and gentlemen to this amazing, one-of-a-kind, super fabulous, breathtaking, blog! Me, being oh so wonderful me, will be writing about... stuff that I write about... wow... I'm descriptive. Maybe a few of my dreams will be posted on there, because ask anyone whose heard my dreams. THEY. ARE. INSANE. I'm sure in my dreams all those complex meanings about stuff really have nothing to do with my dream. In reality my hyper imagination hasn't worn off even during sleep so I sleep imagine. I also sleep talk. In other words: I never shut up. Ever. Here to start off the BLOGGING! I will now treat you all to the dream I had.... last night? Maybe the night before... either way it was at night.

I was sitting in my friends living room when my mom, as a teenager walks in. She looks just like.... um.... someone I've never met before, and she's complaining about how her mom (my grandma) can't spell her name right. Well my mom's name is Jennifer, so I don't know why dream grandma could not spell Jennifer... maybe dream people are really dumb. Anyway, my mom was all, "So I spelled my name Allioops because I was mad at her." So I said, "Wouldn't that make it hard to spell and say?"
"Nah, It's said Alli. The Oops is silent." This is where I threw a pie in her face and then woke up.

Strange.... Most of my dreams are much weirder though. That's like totally sane. Aww... boring! I am sooooo bored right now! I want to go get my hair cut... But it's really late at night so... dream on me!

A funny picture:
That's right. Even Spongebob can have something to do with the revolutionary war.

Haha.... it's not really all that funny to me anymore. It's just a pic I've had for a while on my desktop. I have thousands of funny pictures or random stuff. I'll post 1 everyday!

Tah tah for now darlings!

<3- I'll go by... umm... Lilly? No... um I think I'm posting this as Alice actually. Maybe as Lysi. I can't remember.... gawsh I'm dumb... just call me Miley Cyrus for the next umm till tomorrow.

P.S. While I was typing my dream about misspelling Jennifer. I kept misspelling Jennifer. XD wooooow....

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