Friday, December 10, 2010

photos (for ME to be able to find all my favorites)

me and my mom with our new jack skellington hand gloves in d-land a month ago.

my FAVORITE pic of my sister. ever. i LOVE her. i think she hates me, but i love her.

the best recent pic of my bro. he's 5 but as tall as a 9 year old. such a cutie!

my sister and my new cousin carly watching tv. (i'm right outside this pic lying on the couch super pale. i was really sick that day.) carly is such a cutie too.

my brother in his favorite jacket. no idea how old he was XD

my brother again.

and again.

and again!

my aunt emily (my all time hero) showing off her grad clothes. the grad party was in my backyard as you can see.
my aunt emily and uncle johnny, the parents of carly (who wasn't born at the time) and my favorite uncle and favorite aunt.

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