Saturday, December 11, 2010

20 of my favorite things

  1. Books
  2. Manga/Anime
  3. my viola/piano
  4. shopping - it's my vent.
  5. being called cute and adorable and getting compliments
  6. music  - my mini reality
  7. writing - it's everything to me. i couldn't live without writing.
  8. singing - i love singing. i sing really loud though and get really sad when people (my parents) make fun of me.
  9. knee high socks or other strange fashion items - i like to stand out :)
  10. musicals and plays - i ADORE plays and musicals. they're everything to me!
  11. las vegas or big cities like LA or NY - i need background noise for everything and these people provide that, i also like the hustle and bustle and all the lights. 
  12. sweets - my food weakness. that and chicken tenders. :)
  13. my friends - my friends are everything to me. without them i'm nothing! they are pretty much my family
  14. nicknames- not sure why i like them so much, but i like giving nicknames and having them myself. 
  15. big sunglasses - love em! they make me look like audrey hepburn (love her too!) and they look awesome!
  16. DREAMING - my imagination runs wild when i'm dreaming or daydreaming and it just feels good to me. it's good to get out of the real world every once in a while.
  17. laughing - laughter probably comes out of my mouth more that talking!
  18. purses - i have like 50 and i love them. best accessory ever!
  19. elegance and fancy things - dresses tiara's princesses royalty fairytales etc. i love it all. if it's fancy and gorgeous it's amazing and i want it.
  20. raw cookie dough - i know. salmonella. who cares? i love it~ it makes me happy

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