Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Vocabulary. A word that haunts school children to no end. A horrible brain rotting assignment!

Or in this case, a wonderful hopefully HILARIOUS list of strange words I like to say. This will be constantly updated with new words.

  • dearie - term of affection and/or sarcasm
  • awesomesauce - better than ketchup. better than mustard.  WAY better than horse radish. very awesome!
  • awesomepossum - thanks Hannah! Hannah helped me come up with this one.  I love it! It's higher than awesomesauce but lower than this next word.
  • fabulicious- a strange combination of fabulous and delicious. 
  • snazzberries- profanity... i guess...
  • snickerdoodles - also a profanity sort of
  • coolio - same as cool just more fun to say
  • dahlings - darling said with a way awesome accent! also a term of affection.
  • grody - nasty

I probably have tons more but these are what are at the top of my head at the moment. I love made up words... *sigh*

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