Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fun times!

Hi! I went swimming today. And to the movies yesterday. Then ice skating!
I've had a whole lot of fun this Christmas break. I've heard that a lot of awesome people have been sick lately though :( That's too bad. I haven't gotten sick yet. I hope I don't, I tend to get sick on holidays though. A different Holiday every year. Hope it's not New Years this year. I saw the movie Tangled yesterday it was wonderful. No matter how many times I see that movie, it will always be cute. Then I went ice skating for the first time in forever. I didn't fall once! So proud. :D Then today my Grandma (who now lives 45 minutes away) took me, my sister, my brother, and 2 of my cousins swimming. It was pretty cool because one of my cousins goes to a French immersion school, so they spend half the day speaking in French and the other half speaking English. (I'm jealous!!! wah!) Yeah we TOTALLY speak French together B) Then... we got ice cream. Which is good, 'cept it was pouring rain :( So I was super cold.

Bye y'all! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. She went ice-skating with ME btw! I also speak french to her! Sometimes...when I feel like it... ...I have nothing to say now. You can all stop reading this comment post! SERIOUSLY! STOP STARING AT ME!!! I know I'm super cute and all, but seriously! GO GET A LIFE!
