Sunday, December 26, 2010

Busy-ness and Crazy-ness

Wow,  I love Christmas but it's so hectic that I just feel better after it ends, ya know? As proof of the hectic-ness (my suffix of the day!) I would like to draw your attention to the lack of challenge post yesterday. I apologize profusely. (Now I just sound weird!) Oh well. Your loss? Jkjk I'm not gonna post 2 though! That'd be just plain dumb and stoopid. I MIGHT post 1 if I get bored. Which I will.(get bored.) It's unavoidable. But I can entertain myself! You guys misunderestimated me! (my made up word of the day! nooo not me. misunderestimated duh!) Oh well. Have a nice day! Don't eat anything crapaflapnasti! (word courtesy of Brandon Sanderson)


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