Wednesday, December 8, 2010

15 facts about me.

1. I play the viola.
2. I play the piano. (Haha while typing that I put I play the chocolate. . . um. . . sureeee XD)
3. I'm addicted to shopping. Even if it's at like Reams. I just like spending money.
4. I still sleep with stuffed animals. (I hope a lot of you do too! Lalala  it's good for you!) I sleep with a little knit dog, a build-a-bear that's an owl, a GIANT bunny, and a GIANT bear.
5. I cannot paint nails. Not for the life of me! Unless it's a pale color because then you can't see when I mess up.
6. I love fancy dresses. Have a strange OBSESSION with them. I can't wait to get married!
7. Have no set style. I'm not a pastel person or a goth person. I have to do it all! Including wearing sweats to school or even the occasional pj bottoms. good old sweats.
8. I can't. stop. texting!
9. love reality tv and tv crime dramas
10. japanese manga is something I love to read. ( i love reading in general. specially shakespeare)
11. humor makes the world go round
12. i live to be teachers pet, but don't like it when they put me on the spot.
13. love to sing. but can't stand getting up in front of a TON of people. it makes me nervous
14. cupcakes unicorns rainbows sparkles puppies sugar chocolate etc.   cutesy things are my domain.
15.  i have a vast realm of knowledge and love learning.

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