Wednesday, December 8, 2010

30 day post challenge

K so you do one of these each day and then ya... Some might not happen cuz I'm not a photo person but yaaaa.... I found this on my aunts blog and thought hey! this might help me post regularly!

Here is the challenge:
- 15 facts about me.
- A photo of myself and a description of how my day was.
- My favorite photograph of my best friend.
- 20 of my favourite things
- A photo of myself two years ago.
- A photo of an animal I'd love to keep as a pet.
- A song to match my mood, and why.
- A recipe
- A photo of the item I last purchased.
- A photo and description of what's in my makeup bag?
- A photograph of the town I live in.
- A TV show I'm currently addicted to.
- Something I don't leave the house without.
- A photo of something that makes me happy.
- Something I crave a lot.
- What's in my purse?
- A photo of something that means a lot to me.
- A photo of somewhere I've been to.
- A picture of me last year and now and how have I changed since then?
- My worst habit
- 5 of my biggest pet peeves
- My celebrity crush.
- Something I could never get tired of doing.
- My favourite book
- A photo that makes me happy
- A photo that makes me angry/sad
- My dream house
- An art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc) that means something to me.
- A song that makes me cry (or nearly)
- A photograph of myself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

k so I'll start today. and I'll post a funny pic today, just for your entertainment.

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