Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Funny picture!

I gotta say. I love typing and playing the piano (not as the same time) when my nails are painted. I don't know why. I wanted to post a funny picture so here it is! The cupcakes are the amount of cupcake stores in a certain city. The Gravestones are the suicide rate in that city. Look at the numbers~ (p.s. click it for full view.)


  1. Apparently New York really likes cupcakes... And suicidal kids...

  2. I meant and suicidal kids like cupcakes a lot. Like so much, they won't commit suicide. WHICH IS GOOD!

  3. Ha ha Aubrey..... This is a very strange picture lysi

  4. I like this one. It makes me happy :) and it matches the blog title!
