Wednesday, December 29, 2010

my worst habit

  • not taking my contacts out at night
  • reading in the dark
  • reading too much/staying up too late
  • picking at my nail polish
  • twirling my hair
Haha, wanted to get a head start on this one, so I thought 12:38 in the morning would be a good idea XD


not so well

I'm not feeling so well today. My mom said i got food poisoning from yesterday, but I can still dance and sing so it's not too terrible. I got new shoes yesterday! They are big airwalk tennies. I love em! They are black and red.

a picture of me last year and now and how have I changed since then

Wow... that's a creepy picture. I have no recent pictures because I just cut my hair yesterday, but My hair is longer, I have braces, um... ya that's about it.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

a photo of somewhere I've been to

Never been in it but since I used to live in that general area I saw the White House tons.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Busy-ness and Crazy-ness

Wow,  I love Christmas but it's so hectic that I just feel better after it ends, ya know? As proof of the hectic-ness (my suffix of the day!) I would like to draw your attention to the lack of challenge post yesterday. I apologize profusely. (Now I just sound weird!) Oh well. Your loss? Jkjk I'm not gonna post 2 though! That'd be just plain dumb and stoopid. I MIGHT post 1 if I get bored. Which I will.(get bored.) It's unavoidable. But I can entertain myself! You guys misunderestimated me! (my made up word of the day! nooo not me. misunderestimated duh!) Oh well. Have a nice day! Don't eat anything crapaflapnasti! (word courtesy of Brandon Sanderson)


Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Bottom

Down at the bottom of the page, it tells me the page views, and I have almost 200! I don't know if that's a lot, but it sounds like it so yay! Merry Christmas Everyone!!! I hope you got lots of candy and joy (woah... cheesy!) and had a lot of fun. If you want to know what I got ASK, because I don't want to put it in a call that bragging. :( That'd be meeeean! But I can say, my presents were awesome. I'll post the challenge later, but I gotta go right now.


Friday, December 24, 2010

something that means a lot to me.

Sorry, couldn't get a photo of this one. Something that means a lot to me is the Large embroidered picture of a fairy that my mother gave me for my birthday last year. It's really pretty. My mom made it over a really long period of time. Yeah... Merry Christmas Eve!!!

Haha fun...


Christmas Eve!!!

Happy Christmas Eve y'all! Hope you're having a GREAT time!

I found a bunch of funny things I wanted to show you.
 Bumper stickers:
  • Insanity: a small price to pay for sheer brilliance! 
  • If at first you don't succeed, why bother? Your honor student will take care of it.
  • ANKH if you Love Horus.
  • Sanity is back-ordered. Sarcasm is in unlimited supply.
  • I'm the English Teacher about whom your mother  warned you.
  • You probably don't recognize me without the cape.
  • WWJD?  Who wants Jelly Donuts!
  • I'm schizophrenic and so am I.
  • I poke badgers with spoons!
  • Alcohol and calculus don't mix! Don't drink and derive!
  • Carpe Diem = Seize the day. Carp In Denim = Fish in pants.\
  • An Apple a day keeps Windows away.
  • This bumper sticker intentionally left blank.
  • What would Gandalf do? 
  • Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
  • I'm Canadian. It's like being American, but without the gun.
  • Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.
  • Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks.
  • I used to have a handle on life, but it broke. 
  • National Sarcasm Society. (Like we need your support)
  • Department of Redundancy Department. 
  • Don't make me mad. I'm running out of places to hide the bodies.
  • I plan to live forever. So far, so good!
  • Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors.
  • Knowledge is power, and power corrupts. So study hard and be evil. 
  • On the journey of life, I choose the psycho path.
  • On your mark, get set, go away!
  • What would Scooby do? 
  • I am not infantile, you stinky poopyhead.
  • I had the right to remain silent, but I didn't have the ability. (thanks to Kenneth Dockery)
  • If you can read this, you're not the president. 
  • I have a degree in Liberal Arts - do you want fries with that?
  • Suburbia: Where they tear out the trees and name streets after them.
  • Do they ever shut up on your planet?
  • I'm always late. My ancestors arrived on the Juneflower. 
  • Quoting one is plagiarism. Quoting many is research.
  • Therapy is expensive. Popping bubble wrap is cheap. You choose.
  • Gravity: It's not just a good idea. It's the law.
  • You - Off my planet.
  • Well, this day was a total waste of makeup.
  • If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen.
  • First National Bank of Dad; Sorry, closed.
  • In dog years, I'm dead!  
  • South Korea's got Seoul! 
  • I used to be schizophrenic, but we're OK now.
  • You're just jealous because the voices only talk to ME.  
  • What I really need are minions. 
  • Your kid may be an Honor Student, but YOU'RE still an idiot. 
 I also have answering machines but I'm too laaaazy to post those right now so I'll do it later.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Comedy in politics is second nature to us now

As the link says, these are the funniest signs from the rally to restore sanity and/or fear. No sanity was restored in the reading of that article though! Be forewarned that some might be a tad inappropriate. #50 is probably the best for Aubrey. The BEST. Have fun!!!

All my friends are dead

I want all of you to know you are not dead and are still my friends. This is just a book.

I think I will use this blog to show you all the hilarious, random, pointless, and stupid things I find on the internet!


How to pet a kitty

This has got to be one of the funniest comics I've read today. (Today mind you!)

What's in my purse?

Lots of Candy, fo' shore. (actually not THAT much candy)
Lip Gloss
My Bunny Rabbit Wallet (w/ my card and student id)
My Cell (when I'm using a purse)

Καλά Χριστούγεννα! (Kalá hristúyenna)
Ευτυχισμένο το Νέο Έτος! (Eftyhisméno to Néo Étos!)
Καλή χρονιά! (Kalí hroñá) 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fun times!

Hi! I went swimming today. And to the movies yesterday. Then ice skating!
I've had a whole lot of fun this Christmas break. I've heard that a lot of awesome people have been sick lately though :( That's too bad. I haven't gotten sick yet. I hope I don't, I tend to get sick on holidays though. A different Holiday every year. Hope it's not New Years this year. I saw the movie Tangled yesterday it was wonderful. No matter how many times I see that movie, it will always be cute. Then I went ice skating for the first time in forever. I didn't fall once! So proud. :D Then today my Grandma (who now lives 45 minutes away) took me, my sister, my brother, and 2 of my cousins swimming. It was pretty cool because one of my cousins goes to a French immersion school, so they spend half the day speaking in French and the other half speaking English. (I'm jealous!!! wah!) Yeah we TOTALLY speak French together B) Then... we got ice cream. Which is good, 'cept it was pouring rain :( So I was super cold.

Bye y'all! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

something I crave a lot

Chicken Tenders. I LOVE chicken tenders. (or fingers, whatever you may call them.)
I will eat them anywhere with almost any kind of sauce. :D They make me happy!

Frohe Weihnachten



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

a photo of something that makes me happy

Prom dresses and tiara's. Please notice how all the dresses are modest! This below is Tagalog.

Maligayang Pasko!!!!


I would like the few of you reading this to know that this blog, if you're on it long enough, donates to charity. It helps the charity To Write Love On Her Arms which is a suicide and depression prevention charity.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


.ssǝɔoɹd ʎǝʌɹns pɹıǝʍ ǝɯos ǝʞıן ɥbnoɹɥʇ ob oʇ ǝʌɐɥ ı ǝsnɐɔ oʇ ʇǝb oʇ uıɐd ɐ s,ʇı ʇnq ¡uʍopǝpısdn ǝdʎʇ ǝɯ s,ʇǝן ʇɐɥʇ ʞooq ǝɔɐɟ uo buıɥʇ sıɥʇ punoɟ ı ¡uıɐbɐ ǝɯ s,ʇı ¡ıɥ

a photograph of the town I live in

ummm... there it is! not telling you what it is! scaries might try to come and kill me!


Hey, sorry I was busy yesterday with all the cleaning and gingerbread cookies and SCHOOL. I say we should get the whole month of December off! So since I"m SOOOO horrible... I will post 2 pictures. Actually 3 since 2 are mythbusters related.
Not only funny, but epic.

I don't remember the "I'm going to act responsibly" one XD I say the top one sometimes.
Sooooo.... Linksmu Kaledu!! 
That's Lithuanian!

Friday, December 17, 2010

a description of what's in my makeup bag

-At least 30 types of eyeshadow
-2 mascara
-one eyeliner pencil
-2 glitter liquid eyeliner
-3 shades of foundation
-1 shade of blush
-2 different lip glosses
-an eyelash curler

Yay! Makeup!

Feliz Natal!

That's is Brazilian. 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Funny picture! 2

 12 days?!? New Record!

a photo of the item I last purchased

I don't have the photo of the item I last purchased (cause I ate it. Not the photo! The item. It was food.)

So here is the last item my mother purchased for me:
as you can tell, i don't know what it is yet :)

Oh! And my dad got the family:
Yup, starting January 1st I'm gonna learn Italian.

Joyeux Noel!
Merry Christmas!
Feliz Navidad!
Buone Feste Natalizie!

New Idea! I'm gonna say Merry Christmas in a new language every time I post! The above are French, American English, Spanish, and Italian.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


this is funny! i luvs it!

a recipe


2 packets of yeast
1/4 c sugar
1 c instant potatoes w/ 1/2 c warm water
mix and let sit 5 mins then add
1 egg
1 square butter
2 tsp. salt
6 c flour (may need more, I would do by texture)
2 c. warm water
kneed 5-10 mins.  Let rise for one hour. Cut in half and roll into rectanglar shapes.  Put on 1 stick of butter (soften but not runny).  Smear it on the two halves.
Mix together
2 c brown sugar
2 Tbsp cinnamon
Sprinkle that on top.  Roll up and cut.  Cook 350* for about 12 mins. or until golden brown.
1 lb. powder sugar (1/2 bag)
1 pkg cream cheese
1 square butter
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
Spread over rolls when warm, not hot.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

:D Picture

Getting in the Christmas spirit :D

a song to match my mood, and why

Changed for Good --- From Wicked

Because one of my best friends is moving and it's just kinda like I knew and she changed me.

<3 U Emily!

Monday, December 13, 2010

a photo of an animal I'd love to keep as a pet

umm.... couldn't pick! here are my top 7 :

Angora Rabbit. SO FLUFFY!



Firefox! or Red Panda. Whichever name you prefer.

Squirrel Monkey

Slow Loris Look at those eyes~~~

the common theme in this is i think these are the cutest. animals. ever.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

20 of my favorite things

  1. Books
  2. Manga/Anime
  3. my viola/piano
  4. shopping - it's my vent.
  5. being called cute and adorable and getting compliments
  6. music  - my mini reality
  7. writing - it's everything to me. i couldn't live without writing.
  8. singing - i love singing. i sing really loud though and get really sad when people (my parents) make fun of me.
  9. knee high socks or other strange fashion items - i like to stand out :)
  10. musicals and plays - i ADORE plays and musicals. they're everything to me!
  11. las vegas or big cities like LA or NY - i need background noise for everything and these people provide that, i also like the hustle and bustle and all the lights. 
  12. sweets - my food weakness. that and chicken tenders. :)
  13. my friends - my friends are everything to me. without them i'm nothing! they are pretty much my family
  14. nicknames- not sure why i like them so much, but i like giving nicknames and having them myself. 
  15. big sunglasses - love em! they make me look like audrey hepburn (love her too!) and they look awesome!
  16. DREAMING - my imagination runs wild when i'm dreaming or daydreaming and it just feels good to me. it's good to get out of the real world every once in a while.
  17. laughing - laughter probably comes out of my mouth more that talking!
  18. purses - i have like 50 and i love them. best accessory ever!
  19. elegance and fancy things - dresses tiara's princesses royalty fairytales etc. i love it all. if it's fancy and gorgeous it's amazing and i want it.
  20. raw cookie dough - i know. salmonella. who cares? i love it~ it makes me happy

Friday, December 10, 2010

photos (for ME to be able to find all my favorites)

me and my mom with our new jack skellington hand gloves in d-land a month ago.

my FAVORITE pic of my sister. ever. i LOVE her. i think she hates me, but i love her.

the best recent pic of my bro. he's 5 but as tall as a 9 year old. such a cutie!

my sister and my new cousin carly watching tv. (i'm right outside this pic lying on the couch super pale. i was really sick that day.) carly is such a cutie too.

my brother in his favorite jacket. no idea how old he was XD

my brother again.

and again.

and again!

my aunt emily (my all time hero) showing off her grad clothes. the grad party was in my backyard as you can see.
my aunt emily and uncle johnny, the parents of carly (who wasn't born at the time) and my favorite uncle and favorite aunt.

my favorite photograph of my best friend

me and my best friend on Halloween this year. he normally doesn't have a mustache though... :) i was alice kingsley and he was luigi the plumber. fun! i've known him since i was 2. i don't really seem him that often though because he lives so far away. (6 hours) i love him like my twin brother (he's only a month older than me!) and we always have SO much fun together. i have tons of people that live in the same town as me that i call my best friend but he's the top of the list for sure. ( i love the rest of you tons too!)

believe it or not this is like the ONLY picture i have of him looking at the camera. he's not a photo person.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I am agliophobic. no that does not mean i'm afraid of aglio's (if they exist...) it means i have an immense fear of pain. so blood and i are not real tight. at all. deal with it. but i am friends with red sharpies!!!! but not when you are writing all over my hand with them... because i looked at my hand and about died thinking i'd impaled my self with... a pointy object! i mean a.... um... sharpened crayon! nah... how about skizers? (scissors for those people who can't speak LOLspeak. that magical little language proving what america is worth! this blog has become my rant. and my new BFF! woot! GO BLOGGY!


I hate spiders. hate them. i check my sheets for them before i go to bed at night. i check my shoes before i put them on. i check my ceilings for them! this is what i see in my head when you see spiders: (click to see the pic. it's cut off)

sooooooo scary!  Spiders are like little pieces of death wrapped in scary.
 So courtesy of Hyperbole and a Half: I present my motto:

Once I found them in my toilet!!!!!!!!!! What's up with that?? Can't I go to the bathroom without a spider in the toilet!?! Apparently not!!

just HAD to post this

Anything you play can and will be held against you as a musical flaw!


Surfing has never been so beautiful.

I've got the moon on a toothpick!

Wow... just wow... so cool

So cool!!!!

Gingerbread houses

Yay holiday traditions my family never does until today!
i don't know why but my mom today decided to make gingerbread houses for me, my sister, my brother, and my brothers 2 friends.
they were itty'bitty though.
more like gingerbread out-houses.
mine was really pretty!

Funny pic:

Carmen Sandiego's hideout???
If you don't know who Carmen Sandiego is, google her. She's legit. And probably not real.

a photo of myself and a description of how my day was

This is me. At Disneyland on Autopia. Wearing my new Minnie Mouse wedding ears.

My day was okay.
6:40 My dad wakes me up.
7:00 My dad wakes me up. again.
7:30  my carpool picks me up for school
8:00 i go to the orchestra room to get ready to perform our holiday concert
10:45 third period starts
11:35 fourth period starts and I start my power point on endangered species
12:05 fifth period starts
12:50 fifth period ends and lunch starts!
1: something sixth period starts
2:05 my fave class orchestra starts
2:55 i go out and  meet my carpool
3:10 i get home and see lots of candy on the table
3:11my mom says i can't eat it
3:12 i get all sad and depressed
3:13 she says it's for gingerbread houses
3:15 i make a BE-A-UTIFUL ginger bread house.
4:45 I leave for viola lessons
6:15 i get home and eat dinner
7:08 i type this

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Funny picture!

I gotta say. I love typing and playing the piano (not as the same time) when my nails are painted. I don't know why. I wanted to post a funny picture so here it is! The cupcakes are the amount of cupcake stores in a certain city. The Gravestones are the suicide rate in that city. Look at the numbers~ (p.s. click it for full view.)

15 facts about me.

1. I play the viola.
2. I play the piano. (Haha while typing that I put I play the chocolate. . . um. . . sureeee XD)
3. I'm addicted to shopping. Even if it's at like Reams. I just like spending money.
4. I still sleep with stuffed animals. (I hope a lot of you do too! Lalala  it's good for you!) I sleep with a little knit dog, a build-a-bear that's an owl, a GIANT bunny, and a GIANT bear.
5. I cannot paint nails. Not for the life of me! Unless it's a pale color because then you can't see when I mess up.
6. I love fancy dresses. Have a strange OBSESSION with them. I can't wait to get married!
7. Have no set style. I'm not a pastel person or a goth person. I have to do it all! Including wearing sweats to school or even the occasional pj bottoms. good old sweats.
8. I can't. stop. texting!
9. love reality tv and tv crime dramas
10. japanese manga is something I love to read. ( i love reading in general. specially shakespeare)
11. humor makes the world go round
12. i live to be teachers pet, but don't like it when they put me on the spot.
13. love to sing. but can't stand getting up in front of a TON of people. it makes me nervous
14. cupcakes unicorns rainbows sparkles puppies sugar chocolate etc.   cutesy things are my domain.
15.  i have a vast realm of knowledge and love learning.

30 day post challenge

K so you do one of these each day and then ya... Some might not happen cuz I'm not a photo person but yaaaa.... I found this on my aunts blog and thought hey! this might help me post regularly!

Here is the challenge:
- 15 facts about me.
- A photo of myself and a description of how my day was.
- My favorite photograph of my best friend.
- 20 of my favourite things
- A photo of myself two years ago.
- A photo of an animal I'd love to keep as a pet.
- A song to match my mood, and why.
- A recipe
- A photo of the item I last purchased.
- A photo and description of what's in my makeup bag?
- A photograph of the town I live in.
- A TV show I'm currently addicted to.
- Something I don't leave the house without.
- A photo of something that makes me happy.
- Something I crave a lot.
- What's in my purse?
- A photo of something that means a lot to me.
- A photo of somewhere I've been to.
- A picture of me last year and now and how have I changed since then?
- My worst habit
- 5 of my biggest pet peeves
- My celebrity crush.
- Something I could never get tired of doing.
- My favourite book
- A photo that makes me happy
- A photo that makes me angry/sad
- My dream house
- An art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc) that means something to me.
- A song that makes me cry (or nearly)
- A photograph of myself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

k so I'll start today. and I'll post a funny pic today, just for your entertainment.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

No Kids

I have no kids.
I'm not married.
I can't even date.
I was looking through all these random blogs (you can click "next blog" in the top right hand corner) and all except one of the 7 I looked through were families with children.

Ugly ugly unicorn....

The title of this blog, as you read above, is Cupcakes, Unicorns, and Sparkly Rainbows.
The reason it is named this is because 1) Cupcakes are my VERY favorite food.
2) Unicorns are pretty and my  favorite animal (yes I know u non-believers all think they aren't real. they are. america got to them though. they're now fat and gray and we call them rhinos)
3) Sparkly Rainbow is my favorite color.

The only down side is that I got bored and decided to draw a picture of the title and MAYBE use it as the banner. I went with NO WAY JOSE.* I really can't draw. But here's the picture anyway!
The unicorn's not really fat. They hair just made in look that way. No I didn't draw the eyes. What were you thinking???? I can barely draw a straight line!!!! I can't believe you people.