Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentines Day

Ugh... not my favorite holiday of the year...Actually it's pretty cool, but I think it's really annoying to go to school and watch other people get the singing telegrams or stuffed animals and roses and not get anything... I ORDERED MY NEW GLASSES TODAY!!!!! They discontinued the rainbow glasses (screw them) so I got purple ones. They probably won't come for a while though. Oh well...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

No really I'm still here...

LOL haven't posted in ages, forgive me. I've been obsessed with catching up on my fave TV shows and this new one I found yesterday. Called Drop Dead Diva. way funny, check it out!
I can say cool stuff in Italian like: Io sono alunna. Della donne cucianano. De gli uomoni mangia uovo.
(I am a student. The women cook. The men eat eggs.)
bye y'all! not a long post I know whatever...