Saturday, January 15, 2011

CO is my secret password

My sister claims I'm addicted to ______. I say I'm not, because an addiction is a compulsive behavior that has a negative impact on your life. She smiles and says, well what you call it then? My CO, I say smiling as well, my current obsession. She laughs and says but aren't you the one who told me they don't obsess hey just think... intensely. I might have been, I say smirking, but this... this is worthy of the word obsession.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

something i could never get tired of doing

Being Lazy...
Playing viola...
Playing Piano...

Hi Everybody! It's been a few days since I posted but that's okay riiiiight?
So... I don't have anything to talk about soooo.... School has sucked  for the past um... 3 days? Ya... 3 days...
The End.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

my celebrity crush

Wow, this one could be potentially embarrassing. Noooo, it's not Justin Beiber or Joe Jonas (it's not a Jonas at all okay?!). And it's some old (or dead) guy. It's Nathan Kress off iCarly. The guy who plays Freddie.

He's hawt.

Who's YOUR celebrity crush?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Day! and 5 of my biggest pet peeves

It is officially 2011! Yays!
I had a ton of fun last night at a hockey game and then did fire works and stuff.

My 5 pet peeves:
  • Bad Grammer (I know I do it do, but really obvious bad grammar bugs me!)
  • Over swearing (swearing in general)
  • Show offs
  • Global Warming Propaganda
  • People who chew with their mouths open